Counselling should be:

Counselling should be:

Sensitive, inclusive, and non-judgmentalRecognize that behaviour change is difficult and human beings are not perfectPresented as a personal choiceCounselling should support the client in making a personal choice based on their needs and desires.Problem solve and...
PrEP does not

PrEP does not

PrEP does not provide immediate protection—it must be taken daily for 7 days before it offers full protection. It should continue to be taken daily.PrEP does not prevent any other sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.PrEP does not protect someone from HIV...
Why is counselling about PrEP so important?

Why is counselling about PrEP so important?

HIV-negative people interested in PrEP should receive counselling prior to PrEP initiation and at follow-up visits while they are actively taking PrEP.The information you will find here, is a quick reference guide to support consistent counselling efforts and provide...
Why is counselling about PrEP so important?

How often should PrEP be taken?

PrEP should be taken once a day at approximately the same time. It can be taken within a few hours of the normal time – as long as only one pill is taken per day.